I have been looking at a lot of real estate listings lately. I love this area, and we have great neighbours. This house is even paid off.
However, what do you do when, even though the house is paid off, there is so much work to be done and hardly any money to do it? The sale of this house could potentially pay for another, better house, which is farther away.. but, we love this area, we love our yard, and the garden we just put in last summer.
One major issue with moving would be cleaning out the basement. This is something we have tried to tackle several times; but, we have always fallen short of the goal. Many of the items are large and heavy, and can't be carried up the stairs by one person, let alone one very weak person such as myself. Other items may have some monetary value, but I have no clue as to what these things are worth, if anything (thousands upon thousands of nuts, bolts, nails, screws, and washers? Anyone?).
It's actually so crowded down there that all attempts to start coherent piles (keep, toss, sell, donate) have resulted in frustrated rage-quits.
I'd like to think that I have some organizational capabilities. But when the undertaking is this big, I honestly don't know where to begin. (No, we are not hoarders. We moved into this house after my uncle passed away, and he never threw anything away.. we found old hydro bills from the '80s.. )
I have actually started a list of tasks that would need to be completed in order for us to be happy in this house, and without tallying anything, I can already tell the cost will be astronomical.
I really should at least take some "before" photos, whether we stay or not.
SO! Let's see what ye olde interwebbe has to say:
This page instructs the reader to separate materials by type. This makes perfect logical sense, right? Well, it would make perfect logical sense if we didn't have about 30 years' worth of accumulated hardware, all mixed together.. This is going to take a long, long time. And, I didn't realize just how many types of screws and other fasteners there are.. I'll need about 30 containers just for all the different types!
Another option is to contact a scrapper, although I'm not sure what a lot of these nuts and bolts are actually made of, and I think that ignorance would come across pretty clearly to a scrap metal buyer. I really don't want to be ripped off.
Man, I was just at the Dollar Tree this morning. I'm wishing I'd picked up some more containers.. Ohhh how I love containers.
Upcycled Entertainment Centers
Pinterest is one of my very dear friends. Even if I just disassemble the unit and use the wood for shelving, these ideas are neat. Heck, I could even convert it into a tortoise enclosure (but I would still need help to bring it upstairs.. I don't want to keep my tortoise in the basement).
Whether we stay or go, we really need to tackle the basement.. but frick on a stick if it isn't the most frustrating room in the world! Wish us luck!
Upcycled Entertainment Centers
Pinterest is one of my very dear friends. Even if I just disassemble the unit and use the wood for shelving, these ideas are neat. Heck, I could even convert it into a tortoise enclosure (but I would still need help to bring it upstairs.. I don't want to keep my tortoise in the basement).
Whether we stay or go, we really need to tackle the basement.. but frick on a stick if it isn't the most frustrating room in the world! Wish us luck!
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